Saturday, January 21, 2006

Not that CodePink really cares about truth...

But did you hear what they've done now?
Seems in a recruiting ad for anti-Bush/ anti-Iraq war activities, Code Pink photoshopped pictures of Iranian women protesting their government to make it look the same. But of course, to Code Pink, they are the same.
Here is the first picture that was on their site, merged with the un-doctored original by
Attack Machine:

After the first picture showed up - wonder of wonders - blogger outrage ensued and CodePink was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
So, they admitted they were wrong, removed the ad, and apologized to the Iranian women for misrepresenting their cause and using them.

No, of course not.

The banner has now been replaced with yet another seemingly photoshopped picture. Here it is:

Do they ever learn?